
i woke up shaken.
thats coz i had the worst dream, ok wait, call it a nightmare.
i dreamt that it was alreadi hari khiamat.
i can still recall everything that happend.
so much fighting goin around me.
& strangely i was holding sum1 i wasnt supposed to.
she was dying.
isabella swan. yes she was.
i was holding her tight.
beside me was my mum holding mi younger brother. in front of me was my grandmother strangely looking so calm. she was peeling some onions but those onions dried up seconds later.
it was a frightening sight really.
everyone around me was crying. dying.
& i thought to myself. im sure gonna go to hell. i juz hope isabella doesnt.
comets were dropping like birdshit into the sea.
my grandma juz stood up and walked into the sea and disappeared.
this is the scary part.
a portion of the land suddenly tore apart and sank into the sea.
right at that moment, sum1 shouted, Allahuakhbar!
and that was the point of time i woke up
this is indeed a message from God. saying i shud taubat.
im gonna do so once i turn 18.
coz there's no point of doin so 2dae. niat dah takder.
but i must be strong. khiamat will come no matter wat.
& i must accept the fate. for now, sembahyanglah kamu sebelum kamu disembahyangkan.
tanda kiamat:
Diutusnya Rasulullah saw
Disia-siakannya amanat
Penggembala menjadi kaya
Sungai Efrat berubah menjadi emas
Baitul Maqdis dikuasai umat Islam
Banyak terjadi pembunuhan
Munculnya kaum Khawarij
Banyak polisi dan pembela kezhaliman
Perang antara Yahudi dan Umat Islam
Dominannya Fitnah
Sedikitnya ilmu
Merebaknya perzinahan
Banyaknya kaum wanita
Bermewah-mewah dalam membangun masjid
Menyebarnya riba dan harta haram
- 1 Asap
- 2 Dajjal
- 3 Binatang melata di bumi
- 4 Terbitnya matahari sebelah barat
- 5 Turunnya Nabi Isa A.S
- 6 Keluarnya Yakjuj dan Makjuj
- 7 Gerhana di timur
- 8 Gerhana di barat
- 9 Gerhana di jazirah Arab
- 10 Keluarnya api dari kota Yamanmenghalau manusia ke tempat pengiringan mereka.
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