Im In Love
im in love!
but wif all my friends!
actually im juz copying fiany coz she did this. hahahha!
but... well... a good way to express it
Tribute to all my friends. In no particular order.
Im just too tired & lazy to rearrange.

Nana; for being the irritating small one. i still treat u as a YOUNGER sister kecik.

Nikhil; the sane rider. you taught me how to do my first bunnyhop!

Oliver; the emo dude from hell. hahaah. tanx fer the cash dude.

Ismail; somewhat sumone i look up to. even of his crappy & sumtimes "i dun understand" talk.

Khairil; person i like riding with. when its time to ride. ride. time to chill. we have a blast!

Imah; the belo person that never fails to make me go =_='

Ashwin; the cool DJ dat looks like some drug addict. (uve gotta agree with me on this)

Faris & Rafie!; the 2 bros that will never be forgotten. crazy times.

Shrtl; the one whom can make me sooooo frustrated & angry ove the smallest things.
SNOWY!; my lovely cat. you never fail to greet me at the gate & meow when i come home.
Hidayah; the one who never fails to check up on me. (no.. not check me out)
Fiany; the one who gave me this idea. (according to her she's naturally cute)
to all i failed to get pictures.... namely, Amir (eh we miss u ah bro), Rafiq, Irfan.
youre still on the list.
to others that i din mention. ure still loved by yours truly.
(dat sounded so gay)
cheerios people.
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